Privacy Policy

At Buzle Pty Ltd, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting the confidentiality of our customers and users of our software application ("Application"). We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Respect for Your Privacy

1.1. At Buzle Pty Ltd, we respect your right to privacy and prioritize safeguarding the confidentiality of our customers and Application users. Our commitment is underscored by adherence to the Australian Privacy Principles within the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), guiding our practices in handling your personal information.

1.2. "Personal information" refers to data identifiable as pertaining to you.

2. Collection of Personal Information

2.1. Buzle Pty Ltd may receive and store personal information provided directly by you on our Application or through other means.

2.2. Basic information such as name, contact details, and address may be collected to facilitate communication, updates, and processing of orders. Additional information may be gathered during feedback submission, participation in surveys, or interactions with our services.

2.3. Additionally, we may collect information provided during interactions with our team.

3. Personal Information Collection Methods

3.1. We collect personal information through electronic and in-person interactions, Application usage, and service provision. Information may also be obtained from third parties, safeguarded as per this Privacy Policy.

4. Use of Personal Information

4.1. Personal information collected may be utilized to provide services, share updates, and offer products. We may also communicate new offerings and enhance our understanding of customer needs.

4.2. The Application may integrate third-party social media features, with information shared through these platforms not guaranteed security.

4.3. Communication with you may occur via various channels, including phone, email, SMS, or mail.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

5.1. Personal information may be disclosed to employees, advisors, suppliers, or subcontractors as necessary for service delivery. Third-party disclosure is limited to essential service requirements.

5.2. Legal obligations may necessitate disclosure of personal information, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

5.3. Personal information may also be utilized to safeguard legal rights or ensure safety of Buzle Pty Ltd, its Application, website, or third parties.

6. Security Measures

6.1. Buzle Pty Ltd implements measures to ensure data security and prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.

6.2. While precautions are taken, transmission of information remains at your risk. We cannot guarantee absolute security, though we strive to protect data from misuse or unauthorized access.

7. Access to Personal Information

7.1. You may request access to personal information held by us in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Administrative fees may apply.

7.2. We reserve the right to deny access to information in certain circumstances stipulated by law.

8. Application Data Collection

8.1. When using our Application, information such as device ID, IP address, and usage data may be collected to enhance service quality.

8.2. Cookies may be utilized to identify and track users, though settings can be adjusted to reject cookies.

8.3. Automatic data collection may include device type, IP address, and usage patterns.

8.4. Links to third-party applications or websites may be provided for user convenience, with caution advised regarding their privacy practices.

8.5. Geolocation services may be used to improve user experience and provide relevant services based on location.

9. Privacy Complaints

9.1. We take privacy complaints seriously. Should you have any concerns, please contact us at Waterman Business Chandstone, Suite 149, Level 2, UL40, 1341 Dandenong Road, Malvern East, 3145, Australia.

10. Opt-Out Rights

10.1. You may opt-out of information collection by uninstalling the Application or by requesting opt-out via email at

11. Privacy Policy Updates

11.1. Please note that this Privacy Policy may be subject to updates. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on our website or notice board. We encourage periodic review for awareness of changes.